Sunrise EMR & PAS training
Sunrise EMR (electronic medical record) is used at many of the state’s public hospitals and healthcare facilities where it replaces the need for paper-based medical record documents, and provides many benefits to patients (PDF 226KB) and healthcare professionals (PDF 172KB).
Prior to commencing work at a hospital or health service using the Sunrise system, all clinical and administrative staff are required to successfully complete Sunrise EMR training and demonstrate competence in using the system. There are also refresher training requirements to ensure healthcare workers’ skills are current.
To determine if you require training, view the list of active sites (PDF 946KB) where Sunrise EMR is in use.
SA Health staff
SA Health staff will require Sunrise EMR training if they are:
- Starting as a new employee at a Sunrise-networked hospital or healthcare facility; or
- A current SA Health employee who is transitioning to a Sunrise-networked healthcare site from a non-Sunrise site.
Training will be arranged by the site in accordance with your start dates. You will not be able to access or use the system without having completed your Sunrise training, and received your unique login.
It is against SA Health policy to use another person’s login to access Sunrise EMR & PAS. Please only use your own login to access the system.
General information about Sunrise EMR is available by visiting
Refresher training options
Staff who have not interacted with the system or used their access log-in for an extended period of time will be required to undergo refresher training. Your employer or healthcare site will provide you with details regarding the latest requirements for refresher training.
Agency staff
Prior to commencing work at a South Australian public hospital or health service using Sunrise EMR, agency staff will be trained to use the system by their referring agency to ensure they can access patients’ electronic medical records once their placement begins.
The model for agency staff training is based on the completion of a face-to-face training session where learners will be assessed prior to being determined ‘Ready for Login’. There is an expectation that learners who attend face-to-face sessions have a basic level of computer competency skills.
Training for agency staff focuses on system functionality, and site-wide workflows that affect all clinicians. However, upon commencement of shifts at a site using the Sunrise EMR, the site-based orientation should include information outlining local service area rules in the application and use of the system within that clinical service.
It is important for agency staff who have completed Sunrise EMR training to be scheduled to work at a site using the Sunrise system as soon as possible to maximise their learnings and ensure a smooth transition to the workplace.
Further information
- If you were / are a patient at an SA Health public hospital and wish to request access to your medical records, please contact the relevant hospital’s Freedom of Information (FOI) team.
- For general enquiries and feedback, please contact the relevant SA Health facility directly.
- For EMR training or bookings, contact the EMR Project Training Team at
Student training is arranged by individual universities and learning institutions so speak with your education provider in the first instance.
You can access general information about Sunrise at