SA Health communication systems update - 4 December 2024
04 December 2024
SA Health is currently experiencing a system-wide issue between multiple clinical and administrative systems. This is affecting metropolitan and regional hospitals and services.
Importantly, there is no outage of the Sunrise Electronic Medical Record (EMR). However, the Heath Information Brokerage (HIB) that delivers messages between our systems has been affected.
This has stopped the delivery and receipt of messages between many clinical and administrative systems, such as EMR, EPLIS pathology system, OACIS, medical imaging, and meal information systems for diet orders through Delegate.
This means ordering and results through EMR and other systems are not currently being shared and updated.
All sites have activated risk mitigation strategies and business continuity plans (BCPs) to ensure the continuity of care for patients continues until the programs are restored.
Through a coordinated statewide response, Local Health Networks (LHNs) are distributing information and messaging to assist local planning.
Thanks to the dedication of staff on the ground, there has been minimal impact at this stage on patient care, whilst working in BCP.
Staff will follow LHN BCP processes as Digital Health SA continues to work to restore the HIB.