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The State Government's response of the Review of the Advance Care Directives Act 2013 - June 2020
The Health Care Act 2008 provides for the governance, management and administration of the South Australian public health system. Amongst other things, the Act sets out the role and functions of the Minister and Chief Executive, as well as the functions and powers of Local Health Networks.
It outlines when information about you may be disclosed to other people or providers and also provides licensing systems for ambulance services and private hospitals.
The Health Care Act 2008 enables incorporated hospital (Local Health Networks) to make by-laws (Division 7) and to appoint authorised officers to enforce them.
Incorporated Hospital By-laws prohibit disorderly or offensive behaviours within the hospital or its grounds, littering, smoking, possession and/or use of alcoholic liquor or unlawful substances, property damage or trespass.
Copies of the Local Health Network By-laws are available below:
* South East Local Health Network by-laws have legal effect within the Limestone Coast Local Health Network, pursuant to the Health Care (Local Health Networks) Proclamation 2019, which changes the Local Health Network’s name to Limestone Coast Local Health Network.