Renmark Paringa District Health Advisory Council Inc.

Health Advisory Councils across Country South Australia provide advice to their local Health Services and to the Minister for Health.

A major role of the Renmark Paringa District Health Advisory Council (HAC) Inc. is to relay ideas and views from the Community to the local Health Service.


The Renmark Paringa District Health Advisory Council can include:

  • Up to 8 community members
  • Nominee of local government
  • A local member of Parliament or his or her nominee
  • A medical practitioner member
  • A worker from Country Health SA

Meeting information

When: 1st Monday of the month, except for January

Time: 7.00 pm. Education session held between 6.30 pm and 7.00 pm

Where: Resource Room, Renmark Paringa District Hospital



Current members

Presiding Member - Jane Pitt
Local member of Parliament representative - Anne Vadaro
Local government nominee - Maria Spano
Medical practitioner representative - Paul Smith
Staff representative - Annette Fraser
Community representatives

  • Steph Brauer
  • Carolyn Stimpson
  • Marian Morrison
  • Maria Cotsaris
  • Pat Glenie


Jane Pitt
Renmark Paringa District Health Advisory Council Inc.
C/- Renmark Paringa District Hospital
PO Box 318
Renmark SA 5341