Blood, organ and tissue reporting and advisory groups

South Australian Blood Management Council

The South Australian Blood Management Council, chaired by Associate Professor Peter Bardy, is the peak advisory body on blood sector matters in SA. It has the responsibility of taking a strategic state-wide lead on blood management activities. Its key aim is to ensure appropriate clinical management and safe, cost-effective use of blood and blood products and emergency management preparedness within the South Australian public and private health sectors, in accordance with National Health and Medical Research Council approved clinical guidelines, the National Blood Agreement and the National Blood Contingency Plan.

The Council has identified the priority areas for future work to be based around three key themes:

  • clinical practice
  • research and evaluation
  • education and training.

For more information, please see:

South Australian Transplantation and Organ Donation Advisory Council

The South Australian Transplantation and Organ Donation Advisory Council (SATODAC) was formed in the early 1990s to oversee the multifaceted clinical practices related to organ and tissue donation and transplantation in South Australia. The two key purposes of the Council are to:

  • ensure a forum for formal communication between the donation and transplantation sectors in SA
  • provide SA Health with expert advice relating to the sector.

The establishment of the Australian Organ and Tissue Donation Authority in 2009 and the National Reform Agenda on Organ and Tissue Donation for Transplantation has supported the sector, and SATODAC, to work towards nationally consistent policy and operations.

For more information, refer to the South Australian Transplantation and Organ Donation Advisory Council Terms of Reference (PDF 32KB)