SA Health Aboriginal Workforce Framework 2023-2031

The SA Health Aboriginal Workforce Framework 2023-2031 (PDF 13.1MB) outlines our approach to grow and strengthen the Aboriginal workforce. This will enhance the delivery of effective, safe and accessible health services that contribute to the longevity, social wellbeing and health of Aboriginal people in South Australia.

To guide this approach, four focus areas have been identified that, when pursued together, will drive change across the system to build a stronger and highly valued Aboriginal workforce. 

The focus areas are:

  1. Workforce growth and development.
  2. Education, training, skills, and support.
  3. Cultural capability and responsiveness.
  4. Shared leadership and partnership.

The Framework will strengthen SA Health as an employer of choice for Aboriginal people.

SA Health Aboriginal Workforce Framework Evaluation Plan (PDF 4MB) has been established to monitor and evaluate the progression made against the Framework, consistently across SA Health.