South Australian Spinal Cord Injury Service (SASCIS)
The South Australian Spinal Cord Injury Service (SASCIS), located at the Repat Health Precinct, is a statewide service providing specialist rehabilitation services for South Australia. SASCIS provides services for adults who have sustained neurological impairment due to spinal cord injury from both traumatic and non-traumatic causes.
Services provided
SASCIS provides the following services:
- inpatient rehabilitation clinics
- outpatient rehabilitation clinics
- acute injury management at the Royal Adelaide Hospital
- specialist input to other hospitals
- centre and home based rehabilitation
- outreach services
- support to other services who work with people with a spinal cord injury
- a consultative service for paediatric spinal cord injury services.
Specialist services may also be provided to patients outside of South Australia where other options are limited, including in the Northern Territory, Western New South Wales and North Western Victoria.
Inpatient rehabilitation unit
The SASCIS inpatient spinal injury unit provides specialist inpatient rehabilitation services for adults who have sustained neurological impairment due to spinal cord injury from both traumatic and non-traumatic causes.
People with a spinal cord injury work with a team of health professionals, in an individually tailored rehabilitation program, to continue their recovery and maximise their independence and abilities.
Rehabilitation is a collaborative process and patients on the unit are supported to actively participate in daily ward routines, therapy and education sessions, and other activities on site.
Referral information
Referrals to the inpatient unit are accepted from medical teams at other hospitals and rehabilitation units and from general practitioners using the SASCIS inpatient referral form (PDF 118KB).
See the admissions criteria (DOC 182KB) for the Inpatient spinal injury unit based at Repat Health Precinct.
Contact details
Phone: (08) 7326 1600
Repat Health Precinct
Statewide Rehabilitation Services Building
216 Daws Road, Daw Park, SA 5041
Further information
For more information about our service and inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation, see our pre-admission information (PDF 232KB).
Specialist outpatients
SASCIS provides a range of specialist medical and allied health outpatient services providing assessment, short-term intervention and review.
On discharge, individuals with a new spinal cord injury will be provided information about on-going outpatient appointments. SASCIS clients will receive on-going medical reviews. Referral to other specialist clinics is on an assessed needs basis.
Clients new to SASCIS, or those not seen by SASCIS for more than 12 months, require a general practitioner or specialist referral.
Contact details
Phone: (08) 7117 5233 or (08) 7117 5232
Fax: (08) 7117 5987
Statewide Rehabilitation Services Outpatients
Repat Health Precinct - Statewide Rehabilitation Services Building
216 Daws Road, Daw Park, SA 5041
Outreach services
SASCIS holds multi-disciplinary outreach clinics in Mt Gambier and Whyalla twice a year, attended by a rehabilitation physician, a spinal nurse and a spinal therapist.
Medical and nursing follow-up outpatient reviews are held at Noarlunga Hospital on a monthly basis. SASCIS rehabilitation physicians also provide regular outreach clinics to Alice Springs, Darwin and East Arnhem.
People who are current clients of SASCIS may access this service.
Referral information
Clients new to SASCIS, or those not seen by SASCIS for more than 12 months, require a general practitioner or specialist referral to the SASCIS outpatient department.
Current clients are sent notification of South Australian country clinics around 6 to 8 weeks prior to the clinic.
Clinicians from host health services may request assessments and are encouraged to attend appointments with their clients.
For access to Northern Territory outreach, contact the Northern Territory spinal nurse on (08) 8985 8157.
Statewide Rehabilitation Services Outpatient Department
Phone: (08) 7117 5233
Fax: (08) 7117 5987
Northern Territory Spinal Nurse
Phone: (08) 8985 8157
Spinal Outreach Rehabilitation Team
The Spinal Outreach Rehabilitation Team (SORT) provides goal-directed support to individuals to enable them to manage their new way of life after sustaining a spinal cord injury.
SORT’s allied health and nursing staff provide home, centre and phone based services to support the transition from inpatient rehabilitation to community independence and participation.
SORT provides specialist advice and consultation to other services and health professionals working with people with a new spinal cord injury.
People with a newly acquired spinal cord injury who have completed their inpatient rehabilitation at Repat Health Precinct can access this service. SORT services are available following an individual’s discharge from the Spinal Rehabilitation Unit to help with transition to the community. Health professionals providing services to individuals with a newly acquired spinal cord injury may contact SORT for specialist advice and guidance.
Statewide Rehabilitation Services Building - Repat Health Precinct
Phone: (08) 7326 1600
The SA Spinal Cord Injury Services Spinal Cord Injury Research Centre (SASCIRC) is the research arm of the SASCIS clinical service and a subsidiary of the Centre for Orthopaedics and Trauma Research, University of South Australia. SASCIRC aims to improve spinal cord injury care and patient outcomes through knowledge and knowledge translation. Evidence-based research programmes bridge the continuum of the basic, translational and clinical sciences.
See the SASCIS research activity, within Centre for Orthopaedic and Trauma Research for more information.
Clinical trials
If you are considering participating in a clinical trial, the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD), an interdisciplinary research centre focused on spinal cord injury, has produced a guide that is intended to address some of the questions you may have concerning various therapies or treatments after spinal cord injuries.
See the ICORD website for information on clinical trials.
Useful links and resources
- Community based organisations
- Sport, recreation and leisure
- Employment services
- Equipment maintenance and repairs
- Mental health and coping
- Education resources
Community based organisations
- The Spinal Cord Injury Network
- The Australian and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society, ANZSCoS
- Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
- ParaQuad South Australia (PQSA) - provides information, advice and referral for accommodation, peer support, counselling and advocacy, family support services and raises community awareness. Contact 1800 063 419 or (08) 8355 3500 or the PQSA Peer Support Advocates Unit on (08) 7326 1724 or (08) 7326 1723
Sport, recreation and leisure
- YMCA Recreation - many individual sports associations and clubs (for example sailing, swimming, tennis, cycling) also offer support or specific programs to assist people with disabilities to participate.
Employment services
Visit the Multiple Solutions website for more information.
Equipment maintenance and repairs
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre equipment
Phone: (08) 8222 1684 - DHS Equipment Program for eligible South Australians
Mental health and coping
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
- Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978
- Kids helpline (5 to 25 years): 1300 551 800
- Beyond Blue: 1800 551 1800
- in an urgent situation, contact SA Mental Health Triage (crisis): 13 14 65
Educational resources
- Treatment of Autonomic Dysreflexia. The Treatment of Autonomic Dysreflexia in Adults and Adolescents with Spinal Cord Injuries
- Treatment Algorithm for Autonomic Dysreflexia (Hypertensive Crisis) in Spinal Cord Injury (NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation link)(PDF 51KB)
- elearnSCI is an initiative of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS) with partners around the world. It offers free on line learning modules about management of spinal cord injuries for students and healthcare professionals.