Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre

The Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (HRC) is a campus of the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

HRC is a 120-bed facility, which provides general inpatient rehabilitation services for people suffering from stroke, other neurological and medical disorders, orthopaedic conditions, and amputations.

In addition to the general rehabilitation wards, Hampstead has a Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit, a Care Awaiting Placement Ward and a Transitional Ward.

The HRC utilises a multidisciplinary team approach comprising specialised therapy, nursing, medical, counselling, and other highly trained staff to help people maximise their functional outcomes, with the aim of returning home.


For all enquiries contact:

For all emergencies phone Triple Zero (000)

  • Street address: 207-235 Hampstead Road Northfield South Australia
  • Postal address: 207-235 Hampstead Road Northfield SA 5085

General Rehabilitation has moved

On Tuesday, 9 July 2024, the HRC general rehabilitation wards for orthopaedic, amputees and burns, and for stroke, will be transferred to the brand new rehabilitation units on level 3 and level 4 of the new Kangkanthi building at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South.

More information about the new general rehabilitation facilities in TQEH Kangkanthi is available here.

Further information

For more information please view the following pages:

Rehabilitation is the process that brings about the highest level of recovery following a loss of function or ability from any cause. Rehabilitation aims to maximise function and independence and is usually achieved through physical and non-physical therapy methods, and is planned carefully using medical, social, educational, recreational and vocational services. 

A group of health care professionals from different fields work in a coordinated way to an individual set of goals and ideal timeframes that are continually evaluated to monitor progress toward outcomes for every client.

Inpatient, outpatient and community based services all work together to provide a mix of services in a client centred model, placing the needs of the individual, their family, carers and significant others at the centre of the care.

Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre is a teaching hospital that delivers general rehabilitation including services for people affected by stroke, neurological, orthopaedic, burns and amputation issues, in adult and older age groups.

Specialised rehabilitation is provided by Statewide Rehabilitation Services at the Repat Health Precinct.