Primary health concerns for older people

SA Health is committed to a primary health care approach.

This encompasses the social, economic, cultural, behavioural and biological determinants of health, from the well population to individuals with chronic disease. This also includes from before birth to old age. 

By providing: 

  • clinical services to the community
  • continuity of care
  • integrating prevention with illness care
  • supporting self-management
  • providing health promotion 
  • education
  • preventing illness
  • contributing to community development are all integral to a primary health care approach.

Focus areas

Falls prevention

Falls prevention is important as people enter their late 70s and 80s, where up to 50% of people will fall each year. Falls can be prevented with a range of interventions.


The incidence of dementia doubles every 5 years from age 60 for 1% of the population and increases to 25 to 30 % for 85 year olds suffering some form of the disease. Dementia is the second leading cause of disability in our community. 


Learn more about bladder and bowel health, incontinence risk factors, treatment and how to manage incontinence.