Water quality alerts

SA Water routinely monitors the quality of several public water resources for microbiological (eg blue green algae, E. coli, protozoa) and chemical levels and provides results to SA Health. Health advice will be issued when there is a health risk to the public.

Not all water sources in South Australia are tested for water quality.

Avoid contact with fresh water (eg rivers, lakes, creeks, dams) if it has scum or a coloured film on the surface.

Do not drink water unless you know it is safe. Untreated water can cause gastroenteritis including diarrhoea, vomiting and nausea.

Current water quality alerts

Lake Alexandrina advice – 23 July 2024

Water samples from Lake Alexandrina (including Goolwa) on 11 - 18 July show elevated levels of a potentially harmful blue green algal toxin in the lake.

Do not ingest water from Lake Alexandrina. Do not swim or dive until further notice. If you have been swimming or diving in Lake Alexandrina recently, monitor for symptoms.

Lake Albert does not currently pose a health risk.

Regular testing of blue green algae levels is being carried out and results are published on this page. Check back regularly for updates as the situation is variable and subject to change.

Unlike other blue green algae, the species detected at Lake Alexandrina generally does not form scum and is not easily visible to the naked eye. This species has not previously been detected in such high numbers in South Australia.

SA Water does not take water from the lake and has confirmed that all drinking water supplies in the area are safe.

Pets are particularly vulnerable and should be kept out of the water. Algae may also stick to their fur, giving them a higher exposure.

Fish caught in the lake should be cleaned and gutted thoroughly before being eaten.

Preventing illness

If you suspect contamination of water with blue green algae:

  • do not use the water for any purpose including drinking, cooking, washing or showering (boiling the water will NOT make it safe to drink)
  • do not consume shellfish sourced from the water
  • do not let pets and livestock bathe in or drink contaminated water (particular care should be taken with dogs as they can ingest very high concentrations of organisms from grooming their coat after contact)
  • if irrigation with water contaminated with blue green algae is unavoidable, do not use contaminated water directly on edible parts of plants being grown for human consumption.

Health effects of blue green algae

Direct contact with the algae affected water may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. If you experience irritation, wash the area with clean water.

If you have swallowed large amounts of algae affected water, you may develop symptoms including:

  • nausea
  • bloody diarrhoea
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • headaches.

Contact your GP if symptoms develop and let them know you may have been exposed to blue green algae.

Monitoring water quality

SA Water routinely monitors water quality from sites along the River Murray as part of ensuring safe drinking water. Results are also used to inform the community about water quality safety for domestic use (laundry, irrigation, bathroom etc) and recreational activities.

See the SA Water – water quality testing locations (PDF 106KB) to see where testing is regularly done.

Testing frequency

  • E. Coli - weekly to monthly, depending on location.
  • Cyanobacteria - weekly.
  • Chemicals - weekly to monthly, depending on location.

Testing other sources

SA Health and SA Water may test other water sources not listed above, and testing frequency will increase if there is a public health concern.

Blue green algae (cyanobacteria)

Blue green algae (cyanobacteria) can build up in fresh water, which can sometimes cause bright coloured surface scums or algae ‘blooms’ to form. Some blue green algae produce toxins which can be harmful to humans and animals.


Blackwater in the River Murray poses no direct public health risk. In a small number of people, blackwater may cause a skin irritation due to sensitivity to natural organic matter in the water.

It is recommended not to drink water from the River Murray at any time unless it is treated.

For more information, see Blackwater on the Department for Environment and Water website.

More information