Information and training resources for Environmental Health Officers on public swimming pools and public spas
Interactive water features
Interactive water features (IWFs - commonly referred to as water play features, spray parks, or splash pads) have grown in popularity in recent years and now feature in many parks, gardens and playgrounds across South Australia.
If improperly designed and/or maintained, IWFs can present a risk to health through injury or illness. Nationally and internationally, IWFs have been associated with cases and outbreaks of disease caused by organisms such as Cryptosporidium, Legionella, Giardia, and Salmonella.
Operating an IWF outside of generally accepted water quality parameters and in the absence of appropriate supervision and maintenance may constitute a breach of the general duty, or give rise to a material risk, or serious risk to health as outlined in section 56, 57, and 58 of the South Australian Public Health Act 2011. Additionally, skin, eye and mucous membrane irritation may be caused by incorrect dosing of chemicals used to manage water quality.
The following guidance is provided to ensure that IWFs are appropriately designed, managed and maintained so that they can be safely enjoyed.
Fact sheet: Managing Heath Risks associated with Interactive Water Features (PDF 413KB)