Lead paint information for painters and paint retailers

The law limits the proportion of lead permissible in paint sold in South Australia to 0.1%. The health department can now take regulatory action and potentially prosecution if breaches are made by paint and tinter manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers.

Testing paint for lead

If your client/customer’s house was built before mid-1970s and particularly before 1940, encourage them to use one of the following methods to determine whether lead paint is present in their home:

  • colour-change test kits
  • lab testing
  • x-ray testing

For information on each of these tests see the Testing for lead-based paint page.

Resources for painters

Resources for qualified contractors

Resources for paint retailers

Video: Understanding Lead Paint Hazards

Video: Understanding Lead Paint Hazards - Painters Institute

Further information

Contact us

For further information on lead and lead-based paint contact SA Health's Scientific Services: