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The document provides guidance for student health professionals undertaking a clinical placement at SA Health sites.
SA Health clinical placement providers have a commitment to offer students the ability to learn the skills and competencies required to work within the current and health care systems of the future. This is achieved by providing a safe, respectful, positive and supportive learning experience for all students on clinical placement, whilst ensuring the delivery of quality patient focused care.
Before attending clinical placements, students must complete a number of mandatory and site specific pre-placement requirements.
A checklist is provided as a guide in the document, Clinical Placement Requirements for
Healthcare Students (PDF 125KB). This document provides guidance for students undertaking a clinical placement at a SA Health facility in a hospital or community setting.
Please note that the requirements for placement may be subject to variation which is dependent on specific professions and/or clinical placement contexts. Students should consult well in advance with their education provider placement units / staff to ensure they have completed all necessary requirements.
The following questions and answers may assist your understanding when undertaking a clinical placement within SA Health.
All clinical placements are arranged and managed through your education provider placement coordinator(s) or clinical placement unit. Do not contact SA Health staff directly to arrange individual placements.
If you have successfully completed your Sunrise training, you will be provided with a username and password on your first day of placement which will allow you to log in to the SA Health computer network and access Sunrise.
Note: If you are an allied health or medical student your Sunrise log in will only work on workstations in the nominated placement location. If you have a laptop, it will not log into Sunrise in public areas such as the canteen.
For more information refer to the Student Sunrise EMR access fact sheet (PDF 250KB).
SA Health hospitals and community sites are located in metropolitan and country regions. To ensure you gain the most out of your clinical experience it is recommended that you understand the type of services provided in the setting that you will be attending on placement.
If you are going to a country location for your placement you will also need to consider what community services and amenities are available in the town, where will you stay, and how you will get to and from placement. Services such as shops, supermarkets and accommodation vary significantly between locations and there is limited public transport in country locations. Students need to ensure suitable accommodation is booked and they have transport. It is advisable to do as much preparation as you can prior to placement.
For additional information about country placements, see Placements with South Australian Regional Local Health Networks.
For all queries relating to password resets please contact the Digital Health SA Service Desk on 1300 138 913.
Your education provider will communicate the confirmed placement details, which will include health site location, dates and key staff contacts such as clinical facilitator, clinical educator and / or supervisor.
In some professions placement days are predetermined (for example on a Monday and Tuesday) whereas for other professions such as nursing, students will be rostered to different shifts over a seven day week. Your education provider will be able to provide you with the details.
Once you have been booked into a placement, this cannot be changed in the time period four to six weeks prior to the start of placement, except in exceptional circumstances. You will need to discuss this with your education provider.
As part of the training to be a future health professional you are expected to be available at the designate times allocated to you for placement. If you cannot make a placement you will need to let the education provider know well ahead of time to allow someone else the opportunity to take the placement.
While on placement you are classified as a student, not an employee. Therefore, you may have additional / different requirements to meet compared to those in your usual place of employment. You will need to discuss this with your education provider.
While on student placement your staff Sunrise access must not be used. The Better Placed Sunrise EMR Access team will arrange a “Dual access Sunrise account”. This is an additional student Sunrise profile linked to your HAD ID.
On placement, log in using your HAD and access Sunrise EMR using your student log in. The log in information, including your password, will be sent to your @sa.gov.au email. If you do not have a staff email account, our team will forward this to your student email address.
The SA Health Clinical Placement Deed Poll needs to be signed and witnessed by a person:
Some health sites require students to attend an orientation day well in advance of the placement start date. This is a mandatory requirement and non-attendance can result in the placement being cancelled unless otherwise agreed upon by placement coordinator.
Other health services orientation will occur on the first day of placement.
Note: You need to be aware that placement dates starting on a Monday public holiday will not commence until Tuesday of that week, unless otherwise agreed to by the placement coordinator.
It is important that you seek support / guidance in a timely manner if you are experiencing any issues / difficulties whilst on your clinical placement. Depending on the circumstances this may be your education provider and / or clinical placement facilitator / supervisor.
If your circumstances change and you are unable to continue your clinical placement, you need to contact your education provider and clinical placement facilitator / supervisor as soon as possible.
Your placement could be delayed until the requirements are met; speak to your education provider if unsure.
In the first instance, please contact the Student HAD Activations (SHADA) team on (08) 8463 6333 or via email at Health:StudentHADActivations@sa.gov.au. If your issue can’t be resolved by the SHADA team, you will be directed to the Clinical Solution Support Centre on 1800 174 088.