During 2024 SAMHTC underwent an external review. Recommendations indicate that a refreshed approach to state level mental health learning and development is needed. Since the release of this report in June 2024, there has been a huge amount of work in planning and implementing the recommendations from the review, however more intensive time is required for the team to consider implementation.

In response to a key recommendation, SAMHTC will be re-locating from its current location at Hendon to the Department of Health and Wellbeing, 11 Hindmarsh Square from February 2025. This move will impact on the team’s ability to respond to queries and to offer a full range of training until at least April 2025. Please check the SAMHTC calendar on the SA Health website for updated training calendar in the near future.

The National Mental Health Plan identified the need to invest in our work force and foster a culture of research innovation and sustainability. South Australia’s Health Care Plan also identified learning as key to providing a first-class health service and a work force with high level skills and capacity.

It is the vision of the South Australian Mental Health Training Centre (SAMHTC) to enable all staff employed within mental health to have access to ongoing learning, support and professional development activities that enhance their capabilities and provide better outcomes for consumers.

The SA Mental Health Training Centre seeks to:

  • make the best use of current resources
  • provide a range of mechanisms to learn and share together
  • enhance current resources
  • innovate solutions to learning
  • strengthen inter-agency collaboration and learning

These initiatives will be achieved by:

  • aligning learning with current and future business needs
  • integrating learning with organisational and other business processes
  • creating a culture that values learning and continuous improvement
  • providing a range of learning options
  • managing learning equitably
  • supporting skills application
  • supporting our managers and leaders.

Courses run by SAMHTC are now available through Zoom of face to face

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