Pressure injury prevention and management

Pressure injuries are highly preventable and healing can take weeks or longer, during which time there is considerable impact on consumers and on health services. Therefore a strong focus on prevention is required.

SA Health resources

The SA Health Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Guideline (PDF 331KB) describes clinical practice that is based on national guidelines, and also systems for the delivery of care that are in accordance with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard 5: Comprehensive Care.

Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Education Framework describes the education and training requirements to ensure that the health workforce has the skills, knowledge, attitudes and abilities to undertake pressure injury prevention and management (draft – please contact (08) 8226 9599 for a copy)

Pressure Injury Risk Assessment Form (MR95) (PDF 658KB) and Pressure Injury Prevention Plan (MR95A) (PDF 650KB) will be available through the Distribution Centre as per usual medical records ordering processes

Consumer information - Preventing pressure injuries (PDF 110KB)

An example Terms of Reference (PDF 271KB) for a local Pressure Injury or tissue integrity committee is provided to indicate a committee’s potential role in meeting the requirements of Standard 8 Preventing and Managing Pressure Injury.

Pressure-relieving mattresses and devices

SA Health has developed a panel contract for purchase and hire of a variety of devices designed to reduce skin pressure.

Active (or dynamic) mattresses or chair cushions assist in in the care of consumers who are at risk of, or who have, a pressure injury or injuries.

The selection of devices and equipment guide (PDF 67KB) can assist pressure injury committees, procurement officers, equipment officers and clinical experts to make decisions regarding the most suitable mix of purchased and hired devices, to develop local systems for staff training and for rapid provision of devices.

Clinical decision-making processes are described in the SA Health Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Guideline (PDF 331KB).

National Safety and Quality Service Standard 5: Comprehensive Care

The NSQHS Standard 5: Comprehensive Care describes actions that need to be met for accreditation:

5.21 The health service organisation providing services to patients at risk of pressure injuries has systems for pressure injury prevention and wound management that are consistent with best-practice guidelines

5.22 Clinicians providing care to patients at risk of developing or with a pressure injury conduct comprehensive skin inspections in accordance with best-practice time frames and frequency

5.23 The health service organisation providing services to patients at risk of pressure injuries ensures that:

  • patients, carers and families are provided with information about preventing pressure injuries
  • equipment, devices and products are used in line with best-practice guidelines to prevent and effectively manage pressure injuries

The SA Health Accreditation Resource Standard 5: Comprehensive Care identifies the resources that are available to support each action.

See also the ACSQHS Selected best practices and suggestions for improvement for clinicians and health system managers – Pressure Injury (PDF 845KB)

National guidelines

The current national guidelines are recommended by SA Health - The Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide presents a summary of the recommendations and excerpts of the supporting evidence for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment. The full guideline is available to purchase and download through the International Guideline website.

Australian Standards for Wound Prevention and Management 4th Edition 2022 (PDF 335KB)

Information for health professionals


Prevention practices

Information for consumers


Clinical Governance Unit