Immunisation resources
Immunisation providers with a Vaccine Account Number (VAN) can order resources directly through the online resource ordering system. Your VAN is both your login and password.
To order your immunisation resources please click on the button below.
The following resources are available to assist immunisation providers to support immunisation programs in South Australia. For further information on obtaining resources, contact the Immunisation Section.
Additional resources are available from the Australian Government Department of Health Immunisation web page including COVID-19 vaccination — Provider resources.
All resources are available to download and order unless otherwise specified:
Immunisaiton schedules
- Immunisation schedule - National Immunisation Program - SA (PDF 75KB) - download only
- Immunisation schedule - Annual Funded Influenza Program SA (PDF 65KB)
- Adverse event following immunisation: Online reporting form - download only
- Immunisation consent form template (DOC 40KB) - download only
- Rabies or lyssavirus post-exposure treatment form (DOC 67KB) - download only
- Addressing vaccine preventable disease: Occupational assessment, screening and vaccination PDF 446KB) - download only
General resources
- After vaccination information leaflet (PDF 102KB)
- Approvals for immunisation training programs and organisations delivering immunisation programs
- Hepatitis B vaccination at birth: Why your baby needs it (PDF 135KB)
- Hepatitis B – Could you be at risk brochure (PDF 50KB) — download only
- Hepatitis B – Could you be at risk poster (18KB) — download only
- Immunisation schedule - Annual Funded Influenza Program SA (PDF 65KB)
- Immunisation schedule - National Immunisation Program - SA (PDF 75KB) - download only
- New Arrival Refugee Immunisation (NARI) Program Vaccination Record (PDF 42KB) - download only
- New Arrival Refugee Immunisation (NARI) Program information (PDF 104KB)
- Personal vaccination record card
- Tetanus flow chart (PDF 69KB) - download only
- Vaccine standing medication order template (DOC 83KB) - download only
- Yellow Fever provider list (PDF 89KB) - download only
Influenza program
- Flu vaccine for children brochure (PDF 153KB)
- Flu vaccine facts A5 leaflet, pads of 50 sheets (PDF 327KB)
Meningococcal B immunisation program
- Poster to promote the administration of preventative paracetamol to children aged less than two years (PDF 68KB)
- Poster in Emergency Departments to remind clinicians to consider fever following vaccination (PDF 64KB)
- Managing possible fever after Bexsero® vaccine administration (PDF 44KB)
School immunisation program
- A3 posters – currently download only
- School Immunisation Program Protocols (PDF 1MB) - download only
Adolescent catch-up
- Don’t Miss Your Shot – A4 posters x 4 (PDF 3MB) - download only
- Don’t Miss Your Shot – A3 posters x 4 (PDF 6MB) - download only
Pregnancy and immunisation
- After vaccination information for pregnant women leaflet (PDF 115KB)
- Immunisation and pregnancy brochure (PDF 183KB)
- Immunisation and pregnancy poster (A4 size) (PDF 982KB)
- Whooping cough postcard (PDF 480KB) - download only
- Whooping cough poster (A4 size) (PDF 175KB) - download only
Cold chain
- Cold Chain Toolkit (PDF 1.6MB)
- Vaccine Fridge Temperature Chart - order only
- Cold Chain back-up plan (PDF 178KB) - download only
- Managing a Cold Chain breach (PDF 258KB) - download only
- Summer Preparedness Checklist (PDF 213KB) — download only
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Keep bubba up to date - poster (PDF 128KB) - download only
- Keep bubba up to date - DL brochure (PDF 213KB) - download only