Reporting required under any other act or regulation (RMCLHN Annual Report 2020-21)
Reporting required under the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005
RMCLHN recognises the importance of unpaid carers through a commitment to ensuring better carer engagement in shared decision-making in its services.
The SA Health Partnering with Carers Strategic Action Plan 2017-2020 is underpinned by the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005 and the South Australian Carers’ Charter. RMCLHN also complies with the SA Health Partnering with Carers Policy Directive.
The key priorities under the Strategic Action Plan include:
- Early identification and recognition.
- Carers are engaged as partners in care.
- Carers provide comments and feedback.
- Carer friendly workplace.
- Celebrate carers during National Carers Week.
- Staff education and training.
The ‘Carer – Partnering with you’ web page provides carers with information.
RMCLHN involves consumers, communities and carers in the planning, design and evaluation of our health services. We do this through (but not limited to) the Partnering with Consumers Committee, consumer representation on operational committees and HACs. Advocacy and advice is sought from specialist groups including Aboriginal health, mental health, aged care, child and youth care, and disability.
The RMCLHN Governing Board Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy recognises the role of carers and seeks to partner with carers to achieve meaningful engagement.
The development of RMCLHN’s five-year Strategic Plan (2021-26) also involved consumers and carers with a priority of the strategy to embed the voice of consumers, carers and community members in the planning, design and delivery of our health care services.
In RMCLHN, Lee Care (residential aged care patient information system) contains details for residential and/or respite patients. Carer and family members are involved in the initial assessment prior to entry into residential care. Care plans are reviewed and evaluated quarterly in collaboration with consumers and their carers. Carers are encouraged to contact the Nurse Unit Manager or care staff as required, seven days a week.
Carer information is displayed in all health sites on knowing your rights, medication safety, clinical communication, recognising and responding to clinical deterioration, pressure injury, falls, hand hygiene and infection control.
Consumer feedback is also actively sought about the services we provide. This data is collected and collated according to SA Health requirements and provided in full to staff, consumers and carers.
National Carers Week is celebrated annually in October to raise awareness of the challenges faced by family carers.