Public complaints (LCLHN Annual Report 2020-21)
Number of public complaints reported
Complaint categories | Sub-categories | Example | Number of Complaints 2020-21 |
Professional behaviour | Staff attitude | Failure to demonstrate values such as empathy, respect, fairness, courtesy, extra mile, cultural competency. | 37 |
Professional behaviour | Staff competency | Failure to action service request, poorly informed decisions, incorrect or incomplete service provided. | 0 |
Professional behaviour | Staff knowledge | Lack of service-specific knowledge, incomplete or out-of-date knowledge. | 0 |
Communication | Communication quality | Inadequate, delayed or absent communication with customer. | 24 |
Communication | Confidentiality | Customer’s confidentiality or privacy not respected, information shared incorrectly. | 3 |
Service delivery | Systems/technology | System offline, inaccessible to customer, incorrect result/information provided, poor system design. | 8 |
Service delivery | Access to services | Service difficult to find, location poor, facilities/ environment poor standard, not accessible to customers with disabilities. | 7 |
Service delivery | Process | Processing error, incorrect process used, delay in processing application, process not customer responsive. | 0 |
Policy | Policy application | Incorrect policy interpretation, incorrect policy applied, conflicting policy advice given. | 0 |
Policy | Policy content | Policy content difficult to understand, policy unreasonable or disadvantages customer. | 0 |
Service quality | Information | Incorrect, incomplete, outdated or inadequate information, not fit for purpose. | 0 |
Service quality | Access to information | Information difficult to understand, hard to find or difficult to use, not plain English. | 0 |
Service quality | Timeliness | Lack of staff punctuality, excessive waiting times (outside of service standard), timelines not met. | 22 |
Service quality | Safety | Maintenance, personal or family safety, duty of care not shown, poor security service/ premises, poor cleanliness. | 10 |
Service quality | Service responsiveness | Service design doesn’t meet customer needs, poor service fit with customer expectations. | 46 |
No case to answer | No case to answer | Third party, customer misunderstanding, redirected to another agency, insufficient information to investigate. | 0 |
Treatment | Treatment | Inadequate treatment, coordination of treatment, mediation, infection control, diagnosis, rough/painful treatment, adverse outcome, wrong/inappropriate treatment |
59 |
Costs | Cost | 0 | |
Administration | Administrative services and processes | Lost property, Administration services | 6 |
222 |
Additional Metrics
Additional Metrics | Total |
Number of positive feedback comments | 330 |
Number of negative feedback comments | 222 |
Total number of feedback comments | 552 |
% complaints resolved within policy timeframes | 86.86% |
Data for the previous year is available at: :
Service Improvements
Service Improvements resulting from complaints or consumer suggestions over 2020-2021:
- LCLHN consumer experience survey tools were reviewed with improvements made to questions relating to Acute, Community and Aged Care. Surveys are available at each Health Unit in both printed and electronic formats
- Facilitation of regular resident and relative meetings at each Residential Aged Care (RAC) facility to improve communication flow and capture improvement ideas
- Implementation of an NDIS service specific consumer experience survey
- Increased usage of infographics presented within safety & quality documentation for consumers
The kitchen area at Moreton Bay House (Naracoorte) RAC facility was upgraded, with input from residents in relation to the design, including; the island bench, cooking area and seating to allow activities to be observed - Strengthened review of feedback across the LCLHN through the implementation of Dashboards and Scorecards, which summarise feedback trends and inform quality improvements
- Transparency of consumer feedback and management described within the Consumer Engagement Strategy
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between LCLHN and Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation Inc. has been signed and improves the patient journey for our Aboriginal consumers
- Strengthened Goals of Care at the bedside in Acute facilities, improving patient centered goal planning and experience
- Implementation of Comprehensive Care of the Older Person Model of Care
- The Consumer Story initiative was implemented at Naracoorte in response to Palliative Care and family engagement
- Development and implementation of the Aged Care Diversity Action Plan
- Installation of a wind break blind in Bordertown RAC site, following suggestion from residents, to reduce cold air coming into the facility
- Building of an outdoor shed area, including areas for gardening, hobbies, and a workshop, for use by Aged Care residents at Penola MPS
- Engagement with consumers and families informed the upgrade of the central dining/kitchen area in Sheoak Lodge (Millicent)
- Implementation of Palliative Care family trolleys (inclusive of; information, tea and coffee making facilities, a Bluetooth speaker, activities and cards) at MGDHS to enable family members to stay within the room – an identified improvement through consumer feedback
- The driveway at Sheoak Lodge (Millicent) was upgraded following consumer feedback
- Charla Lodge (Bordertown) replaced the bus used for Aged Care resident transport following feedback received
- Creation of a quiet reading area in the Nook at Bordertown RAC facility following suggestion from residents
- Implementation of flow coordinator at MGDHS informed by consumer feedback trends
- Identified through feedback, the Pavy Bathroom in Naracoorte Aged Care has been upgraded and modernised
- Through resident feedback, shift times have been amended for additional staff at Sheoak Lodge (Millicent), to enable consumers to continue engaging in activities later into the evenings
- Following consumer feedback, the Aged Care Admission Packs at Bordertown and Kingston have been updated to include Advanced Care Directive information
- Residents and relative feedback informed the redesign and upgrade of the Lounge area in Francis House (Bordertown) to create a more home-like environment
- Through consultation with consumers, the texture modified menu has improved, providing a wider variety of foods and snacks
- At Sheoak Lodge (Millicent), breakfast is now served from the dining rooms with resident’s choice of breakfast each morning
- A ‘hairdressing box’ is now available in Bordertown RAC facility for use when the hairdresser is unable to attend the site – this has been implemented in response to feedback from consumers
- Implementation of a la carte menu every Friday at Sheoak Lodge (Millicent) -served from Bain Marie to increase resident’s choice. The menu is selected at the regular Resident and Relative meetings
Compliance Statement
Limestone Coast Local Health Network Inc. is compliant with Premier and Cabinet Circular 039 – complaint management in the South Australian public sector — Yes
Limestone Coast Local Health Network Inc. has communicated the content of PC 039 and the agency’s related complaints policies and procedures to employees — Yes