Carers’ Recognition Act 2005 (DHW 2023-24 Annual Report)
The first SA Health Partnering with Carers Policy, first published in 2015, was reviewed in 2023 with the updated policy published in December 2023. Consultation was undertaken with key stakeholders including Carers SA, Local Health Network consumer engagement leads, and Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW) staff.
The Partnering with Carers Policy sets out the mandatory requirements to enable and support Carers role and function within the public healthcare system. It assists Carers to feel empowered and recognised for the role they perform in alignment with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, the Carers Recognition Act 2005 and SA Carers Charter. The policy principles support the recognition of carers and sets out the objectives for SA Health to actively support the wellbeing and health of its carer community.
National Carers Week is celebrated every October, in 2023 SA Health participated as an exhibitor at the Carers Expo on 17 October. Staff representatives from DHW, BreastScreen SA, Office of Chief Psychiatrist, SA Dental and Rural Support Service engaged with and empowered Carers to share their experiences, encouraging them to partner with health care services. Radio Italiana 531, who participated in the expo, interviewed SA Health on the day to highlight and encourage Carers as essential partners in health care.
Carer resources were updated and made available at the Carers expo, and on the SA Health Carers webpage at including:
- Carers information – outlines how carers can partner with us, their wellbeing, providing feedback and support available for Carers.
- Carers engagement – how to engage and contact information
- Carer feedback – how to provide feedback process and contact information
- When you share your feedback / experience – infographic / information
- Staff information – importance of Carers
In 2023, DHW participated in the review of the Carers Recognition Act 2005 undertaken by Department of Human Services, with a coordinated review of the discussion paper and provision of feedback from SA Health statewide key stakeholders.
Carers SA were engaged and consulted as key stakeholders on the review of the SA Health Consumer, Carer and Community Feedback and Complaints Management Framework, Policy and Resources
DHW provided feedback to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC) on the development of resources to guide consumers through the feedback and complaints process, highlighting the role of Carers and the responsibility of our services to engage and involve Carers in the complaint process.