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Manages and monitors patient flows in South Australia's public hospitals.
Data outage notification
Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) data will not be available due to scheduled Patient Administration System upgrade and configuration. The outage remains until data flow is re-established and/or any data issues are resolved.
SA Health apologises for any inconvenience.
The inpatient dashboard was developed to manage and monitor patient flow in our major public hospitals.
It consists of the following four sections:
More information about the Inpatient dashboard is available on the Inpatient dashboard fact sheet (PDF 169KB).
The Inpatient dashboard can be toggled to view metropolitan or country major public hospital activity by selecting one of the tabs in the top middle of the screen.
The hospital status table shows a summary of the status of general and non-general inpatient beds across South Australia’s public hospitals.
The table includes information about:
The streams table shows the current inpatients by clinical stream for the highlighted hospital (in the Status section). A stream is a ward or groups of wards that cater for a specific group of patients, such as surgical patients or critical care patients.
The table includes information for the highlighted hospital about:
This graph demonstrates three-year comparisons for the number of patients discharged and the number of emergency department presentations, letting users compare public hospital activity from year to year.
If viewing metropolitan hospital activity the graph will show activity for metropolitan hospitals.If viewing country hospital activity the graph will show activity for country hospitals.
The graph will be updated monthly with the latest 12 month period.
This graph demonstrates three-year comparisons for average overnight length of stay and emergency department average lengths of stay, letting users compare public hospital efficiency from year to year.
If viewing metropolitan hospital activity the graph will show efficiency for metropolitan hospitals. If viewing country hospital activity the graph will show efficiency for country hospitals.
The graph will be updated monthly with the latest 12 month period.
General beds are those that the hospital uses to manage the general flow of patients.
Non-general beds, or specialist beds, are designated for patients with specific needs, such as critical care or mental health.
Patient lengths of stay are calculated as the number of hours from the time and date of admission to the snapshot time and date, divided by 24.