Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Well Women's Screening Program
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Well Women's Screening Program is part of the South Australian screening program and a component of the National Cancer Screening Program.
The Aboriginal Well Women’s Screening Program
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program encompasses all of South Australia. Strong partnerships have been formed over the journey of the program and are maintained, ongoing support is provided to:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait women
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
- non-government health services
- government health services
- allied health services
- Aboriginal health workers
- nurses.
We also endeavour to work with general practitioners and specialists in the cancer field.
Changes as a result of the National Cervical Screening Program
There are new screening criteria as a result of the review of the National Cervical Screening Program. We will be undertaking information, health promotion and education sessions with community women and stakeholders around the new screening criteria and changes for a well women’s check.
Further information
For cultural security reasons, information and resources relating to Aboriginal Women’s Business will not be publicly displayed.
For any enquiries, information related to the renewal and available resources please contact the Aboriginal Well Women’s Screening Program please contact us on the following numbers.
Senior Project Officer
(08) 8303 1670
Metropolitan Educator
(08) 8303 1551