Regional Health Advisory Council resources

The resources in this section provide information for Health Advisory Council Members and also other interested community members about the role and function of Health Advisory Councils.

Being a member of your local Health Advisory Council is an important role for your community as the Health Advisory Council works to influence health priorities and planning on behalf of the community.

People volunteer their time to be a member of the Health Advisory Council and this commitment to health care in local communities is appreciated.

This Health Advisory Council is one of many that will together provide our health system with a strong foundation upon which to improve the services we provide to South Australians.

This information package has been designed to assist Health Advisory Council members in fulfilling their functions, and contains a range of key documents and information.

HAC Member forms

Incorporated HAC Forms

Non-incorporated HAC Forms

Health Advisory Councils were established in 2008 and chose to be either incorporated or non-incorporated. Incorporated Health Advisory Councils have rights, powers, authorities, functions, duties and obligations prescribed by or under the SA Health Care Act 2008 or their Constitution.

Non-Incorporated Health Advisory Councils have rights, powers, authorities, functions, duties and obligations prescribed by or under the SA Health Care Act 2008 or their Rules. 

The publications shown below provide comprehensive information showing the SA Health Care Act 2008 along with relevant proclamations, regulations and SA Government Gazetted articles relevant to Health Advisory Councils.

Health Advisory Council responsibilities

As outlined in the ‘Legal Framework’ section, Health Advisory Councils have rights, powers, authorities, functions, duties and obligations. 

As an instrumentality of the Crown, Health Advisory Councils are required to comply with a number of Public Sector, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Treasurer, and Department of Health guidelines and circulars. 

The publications in this section form a comprehensive toolkit outlining the roles and responsibilities of the Health Advisory Councils and include some circulars and guidelines of particular relevance to Health Advisory Councils.

Health Advisory Council Additional Resources

The publications included in this section and outlined below have been identified as useful reference material for Health Advisory Council members.

You will find documents and brochures relating to statewide and country planning that impact on country Health Advisory Councils including the Strategy for Planning Country Health Services in South Australia, SA Health Care Plan, SA Health Aboriginal Health Care Plan, and SA Strategic Plan.

Other Acts of particular significance for Health Advisory Councils and country health services such as the Mental Health Act 2009 and SA Public Sector Act 1995 – Honesty and Accountability are also included.

In addition, the last section (3.12 Additional Resources) includes a number of online resources and websites which will be updated as new and relevant information becomes available. This includes a link to the Health Performance Council (HPC) an independent body which was established under the Health Care Act 2008 and has a particular role in reviewing Health Advisory Councils.

Health Advisory Council Community Engagement

Health Advisory Councils (HACs) undertake an advocacy role on behalf of their communities.  

An integral part of the HACs advocacy role involves community engagement through discussion with local communities on health issues, priorities and needs.

This critical role assists Health Advisory Councils in the provision of advice to Country Health SA and also is a significant component of needs analysis processes linked to planning for health services in country South Australia.

In June 2017, Country Health SA launched A Partnership Framework for Health Advisory Councils and Country Health SA to establish the HAC structure as they key consumer organisation in the Country Health SA system.

The Partnership Framework acknowledges the need for improved communication pathways and more effective engagement opportunities between Country Health SA and HACs, and between HACs and their respective communities.

The web site links and publications listed below provide information and tools to assist with the community engagement process.

Further information

For further information, or to make suggestions in relation to Health Advisory Council, please contact your regional local health network.