Hawker District Memorial Health Advisory Council

A major role of the Hawker District Memorial Health Advisory Council (HAC) is to relay ideas and views from the Community to the local Health Service. These ideas are used in planning for new and improved services.


The Hawker District Memorial Health Advisory Council can include:

  • Up to 8 community members
  • Nominee of local government
  • A local member of Parliament or his or her nominee
  • A medical practitioner member
  • A worker from the regional local health network

2024 Annual General Meeting

The Hawker District Memorial Health Advisory Council Inc. Annual General Meeting will be held on:

Date: Thursday 14 November 2024
From 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm 
Location: Resident Lounge, Hawker Memorial Hospital, 9 Druid Avenue, Hawker 

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and meet with your local Health Advisory Council Members, who advocate for new and improved health services on behalf of the community. 



Current members

  • Presiding member John Shute
  • Local member of parliament  John Teague
  • Flinder Ranges Council Representative  Steve Taylor
  • Medical practitioner member Vacant
  • Aboriginal representative Donald Fels
  • Staff member – Vacant
  • Community representatives:
    • Emma Allen
    • Jane Fischer
    • Kaye Fels
    • Louise Lynch
    • Maggie Goddard
    • Victor Clark
    • Jo Dubois


John Shute
Hawker District Memorial Health Advisory Council
C/- Hawker Memorial Hospital
PO Box 108
Hawker SA 5434