
ABIC - Assessment and Brief Intervention Clinic (renamed Gold Card SA)

ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

AMBIT - Adolescent Mentalisation Based Integrative Therapy

BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder

BPD Co - Borderline Personality Disorder Collaborative

CaFHS - Child and adolescent Family Health Services

CALHN - Central Adelaide Local Health Network

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

CAT - Cognitive Analytic Therapy

CBT - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

CHSALHN - Country Health South Australia Local Health Network

CMHT - Community Mental Health Team

DECD - Department of Education and Child Development

DCP - Department of Child Protection

DCS - Department of Correctional Services

DASSA - Drug and Alcohol Services of South Australia

DBT - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

DTN - Digital Telehealth Network

ED - Emergency Department

ETLS - Emergency Triage and Liaison Service

GP - General Practitioner

GPM - Good or General Psychiatric Management

ICD - International Classification of Disorders

ITRS - Infant Therapeutic Reunification Service

LHN - Local Health Network

MBT - Mentalisation Based Therapy

MH - Mental Health

MHPN - Mental Health Professionals Network

MI-DBT - Mother – Infant Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

NALHN - Northern Adelaide Local Health Network

NH & MRC - National Health and Medical Research Council

NGO - Non-Government Organisation

PHN - Primary Health Networks

PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

SA - South Australia

SAAS - South Australian Ambulance Service

SALHN - Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

SAPOL - South Australian Police Service

SCM - Structured Clinical Management

SFT - Schema Focused Therapy

STEPPS - Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving

SUN - Service User Network

TAU - Treatment as usual

TFP - Transference Focused Psychotherapy

WCHN - Women’s and Children’s Health Network