The SA Voluntary Assisted Dying Implementation Conference was held virtually on Wednesday 16 November 2022.

The conference provided information about how voluntary assisted dying will be implemented in South Australia, including an overview of the process and support services.

Supporting information 

Session 1: Welcome and opening messages


  • The Hon Chris Picton MP, Minister for Health and Wellbeing
  • Dr Robyn Lawrence, Chief Executive, Department for Health and Wellbeing

Session 2: How voluntary assisted dying will be implemented in South Australia (Part 1)


  • Dr Roger Hunt, Member, Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board
  • Dr Chris Moy, Chair, Voluntary Assisted Dying Implementation Taskforce

Session 2: How voluntary assisted dying will be implemented in South Australia (Part 2)


  • Lauren Cortis, Lead Pharmacist, Voluntary Assisted Dying Pharmacy Service
  • Emily Pumpa Interim Nursing Director, South Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigator Service
  • Joyce White, Voluntary Assisted Dying Liaison Nurse, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network

Session 3: Voluntary assisted dying in practice


  • Dr Jocelyn Small, Head of Risk, Compliance and Innovation, BlueCross Aged and Community Services Victoria
  • Dr Melanie Wroth, Chief Clinical Advisor, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
  • Dr Claire Fellingham, Clinical Lead, East Metropolitan Health Service, WA
  • Sam Cox, family lived experience of voluntary assisted dying in WA

Session 4: Panel discussion, SA Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board and wrap up


  • Dr Melanie Turner, Presiding Member, Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board
  • Helen Chalmers, Executive Director Health Services Programs

For more information

For more information on voluntary assisted dying in South Australia: