Use the free resources below to help create awareness of South Australia’s Week of Ageing Well and promote your events.
Please note that some resources are only available if you register to download the Communications Toolkit.
Communications Toolkit
Complete the fields below to register for your free Week of Ageing Well Communications Toolkit, which contains a range of useful resources to help you to promote the Week online and in print.
By registering, you will be added to our mailing list, so you can stay up to date with the latest special offers and events to share with your customers and community.
The Communications Toolkit includes access to free downloads including:
- 30 second promotional video (share with others via social media, within emails or on display screens)
- email signature block (add to your email signature block with a hyperlink to the Week of Ageing Well webpage)
- social media tiles and key messages
- newsletter articles
- website banner
- TV/internet panel
General promotional posters
Choose from 3 exciting designs that can be printed in A4 or A3. To order free professionally printed general promotional posters, please send your request and delivery details via email to

Generic event posters
Choose from 3 generic event templates. Edit these posters to include your own event details, logo and QR code for bookings, in A4 or A3, Word or PowerPoint.

Active event posters
Choose from 4 active theme event templates. Edit these posters to include your own event details, logo and QR code for bookings, in A4 or A3.

Nature event posters
Choose from 2 nature theme event templates. Edit these posters to include your own event details, logo and QR code for bookings, in A4 or A3.

Community event posters
Choose from 4 community theme event templates. Edit these posters to include your own event details, logo and QR code for bookings, in A4 or A3.

All theme posters
Download all theme posters. Edit these posters to include your own event details, logo and QR code for bookings, in A4 or A3.

Get Involved Checklists
Include handy tips to assist organisations or community to connect with others and identify how to participate in South Australia’s Week of Ageing Well
- Get Involved Checklist for Services and Organisations (PDF 158KB)
- Get Involved Checklist for Individuals and Community Groups (PDF 149KB)
Event Registration Form
Register your event with Office for Ageing Well for inclusion on our Events webpage. Complete the form below, and email to
Links to other Office for Ageing Well information
- Seniors Card SA
- South Australia’s Plan for Ageing Well 2020-2025
- Tackling Ageism
- Age Friendly Services SA
- Plan Ahead
- Stop Elder Abuse
South Australia’s Week of Ageing Well is supported by Office for Ageing Well and Seniors Card.
To find out more or ask questions, email us at