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A fact sheet on breakfast and ways to make breakfast more healthy
We all know a healthy brekky is important for kids and parents
It provides a great start to the day and helps kids’ learning and concentration.
It also provides plenty of vitamins and minerals your kids need for a healthy body.
Sometimes it can take a little while before kids and their appetites wake up in the morning. To give your kids the best chance of enjoying a healthy brekky, encourage kids to:
A healthy brekky can take as little as five minutes to make and kids love to get involved so:
Parents play an important role in encouraging kids to enjoy a healthy brekky.
Enjoy a healthy brekky with your kids to:
With all the breakfast cereals around and all the clever marketing it can be confusing at the supermarket. Some cereals can contain a lot of added sugar! By stocking up on healthy options, there will be lots of good choices at home that are also good value for money.
Some healthy brekky cereals with low sugar, low salt and high fibre include:
Disclaimer: This is not a complete list of available healthier cereals but are examples only.
A healthy brekky can be more than cereal.
PEEL a banana, orange or mandarin
PEEL the lid off yoghurt#
PEEL the shell off a boiled egg
POUR milk# onto cereal
POUR milk# into a glass
POUR yoghurt# onto your fruit
POP grainy bread into the toaster
POP fruit on top of your cereal
POP fruit bread onto a plate
# Choose full fat milk for under 2 year olds, reduced-fat milk for 2 to 5 year olds, reduced-fat or skim milk for over 5 year olds and choose low-fat yoghurt and reduced-fat cheese.