National Immunisation Program: South Australia Schedule - childhood and adolescent/adult schedule - age, dose, antigen, vaccine brand name
Immunisation: a training course for GPs is an accredited learning activity that has been designed to maintain and further develop general practitioners’ (GPs) knowledge and expertise in immunisation to enable them to competently deliver a high quality and safe immunisation service, by:
This course has been developed specifically for GPs; however, it would be suitable for any medical practitioner wishing to improve their knowledge and expertise regarding immunisation.
Register now for Immunisation: a training course for GPs
Applications for Immunisation: a training course for GPs is a Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Accredited Activity for the RACGP CPD Program and an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) PDP Accredited Activity for the 2023-25 triennium.
The course requires access to the internet and a current browser. It is recommended to use the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Internet Explorer 10 and above. The course can be accessed via desktop, laptop or mobile devices.
The program must be completed within a period of 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
This course will take six hours to complete (excluding the predisposing). The predisposing activity must be completed before commencing the course modules and there will be a 24 hour lockout period after submitting.
A reinforcing activity is available for after course completion, for the GP to reflect on the knowledge learnt
The course cost is $450 (GST inc). Secure payment is made by credit card online through BPOINT. This is linked to the registration process.
The following is a course outline and provides details of the topics covered. The program is divided into four modules. Learners need to work through the modules in sequential order to progress through the course.
Describes the role and importance of vaccination, the types of vaccines on the National Immunisation Program and the components, efficacy and effectiveness of vaccines.
Explains the cause and course of vaccine-preventable diseases and their vaccines.
Other vaccine preventable diseases of note such as COVID-19, Japanese encephalitis Rabies and Tuberculosis are discussed, in addition to the diseases covered by the National Immunisation Program.
Identifies specific groups at increased risk of vaccine-preventable diseases and outlines additional vaccine recommendations for these groups.
Identifies the components to ensure safe and effective clinical practice including; consent, vaccine safety, vaccine distribution and storage and documentation.