Partnering with Carers Policy

Version 2.0 approved 18 December 2023

The Partnering with Carers Policy (PDF 247KB) sets out the mandatory requirements to enable and support carers within the public healthcare system, to assist carers to feel empowered and recognised for their individual needs and requirements of the role they perform in alignment with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, the Carers Recognition Act 2005 and SA Carers Charter.


This policy applies to all employees and contracted staff of SA Health; that is all employees and contracted staff of the Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW), Local Health Networks (LHNs) including State-Wide services aligned with those networks and SA Ambulance Service (SAAS).
Out of scope
This policy does not apply to employed care workers. A person is not considered a carer under this policy if they provide support and assistance under a contract for the provision of services or in the course of voluntary work for a non-government organisation, or as part of the requirements of an education or training course.