Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants

Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants (PAFG) provide one-off ageing specific capability building grants of up to $40,000 for projects that support older South Australians to age well, and that contribute to delivering South Australia’s Plan for Ageing Well 2020-2025.

Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants provide grant recipients with coaching, mentoring and support by The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, to enable them to achieve sustainable, long-term outcomes for older people.

Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants open in the second half of the year.

See the full list of recipients of Ageing Well Community and Research Grants 2023-2024 (PDF 208KB).


If you require further information, contact Office for Ageing Well:

Email: ageingcommunitygrants@sa.gov.au
Telephone: (08) 8204 2420
Postal address: PO Box 196 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000