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Maintaining the current governance structure to oversee the SA Health's Department’s Reconciliation agenda.
SA Health recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Australians and we celebrate Aboriginal culture and heritage. SA Health acknowledges the ongoing impacts of our shared histories on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their health outcomes.
SA Health is committed to strengthening existing, and building new, relationships with Aboriginal people and communities, and engaging Aboriginal people in decision making processes for matters that affect their lived experiences in the community and through the health system.
In 1999 SA Health became the first government agency nationally, to produce a Statement of Reconciliation. The statement was renewed in 2008 and 2014. In 2020 the Minister for Health and Wellbeing and the Chief Executive of SA Health re-committed to the Statement of Reconciliation (PDF 7.22MB), commissioning new Aboriginal artwork (PDF 379KB) to embody SA Health’s commitment and partnerships in Reconciliation for health. The Statement is distributed throughout the agency as a policy directive.
SA Health is proud to have a long association with two key Aboriginal stakeholders: the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA) and the Council of Aboriginal Elders SA (CAESA), in the development and renewal of the Statement.
The Department for Health and Wellbeing launched a Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF 3MB) in June 2022. This three-year plan reconfirms a vision for reconciliation and sets out new targets that build on the achievements of previous action plans.
SA Health portfolio Reconciliation Action Plans:
Each year between 27 May and 3 June Australia celebrates National Reconciliation Week (NRW). NRW celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians and marks important historical events in the reconciliation process.
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024 is 'Now More Than Ever'