A directory of where to get mental health help in South Australia - call the Mental Health Triage service on 13 14 65, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for assistance.
Specialist Mental Health Statewide Services
Body image and eating disorders
Body image and eating disorders affect how people think and feel about their bodies. People with these disorders may have poor body image, abnormal eating behaviours and place a lot of importance on their size and shape. Examples of these disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Specialist services for people with body image and eating disorders provided by SA Health include:
- inpatient and outpatient services to young people with eating disorders (up to the age of 18) and their families through the Women's and Children's Hospital
- clinical psychology provided through general public hospitals.
A number of external organisations also provide specialist services for people with body image and eating disorders including:
- Flinders University
- Centacare
- Advanced Psychology Services
- Lifehouse Australia.
Statewide Eating Disorder Service
SEDS is a specialised mental health service for South Australians, providing assessment, care and information for people living with an eating disorder, and support for families and carers.
The focus is caring for people with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and other specified feeding or eating disorders. See Statewide Eating Disorder Service for further information.
Forensic Mental Health Service
Forensic mental health is a specialist area of the mental health system that provides services to meet the needs of offenders with mental disorders.
The services provided may include:
- inpatient acute and continuing care
- rehabilitation services
- mental health services provided within custodial settings
- provision of mental health services within the community.
The Forensic Mental Health Service operates in close collaboration with the South Australian Prison Health Service (Department of Health), Disability SA, the Department for Correctional Services and SA Police.
Headspace - Youth services
Headspace centres are located across metropolitan, regional and rural areas of Australia. Each centre can help with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug or work and study issues.
The Centres run a number of programs for young people including the Youth Early Psychosis Programme (hYEPP). For further information, visit Headspace.
Statewide Gambling Therapy Service
The Statewide Gambling Therapy Service is a free, effective and confidential service that helps gamblers overcome their addiction and get control of their lives. Treatment options available are one-on-one therapy, optional hospital-stay program and support groups.
Offices are located at Flinders Medical Centre, Salisbury and Port Adelaide.
For further information or to self-refer, visit the Statewide Gambling Therapy Service website.