Why tackle ageism?
Tackling ageism is an Enabling Factor of South Australia’s Plan for Ageing Well 2020-2025 which commits our state to leading the way in ‘creating an inclusive society, moving beyond ageism.'
The Plan recognises that ageism is a pervasive presence that creates a barrier to living and ageing well; can negatively affect the way services and care are provided; and is a barrier to older people participating in the workforce.
Ageism takes away older people’s rights – the right to make their own decisions, be safe, and be treated with dignity and respect.
Older people say that when others assume they cannot do something, and exclude them, it makes them feel invisible and sad.
Throughout Office for Ageing Well’s Statewide Conversations over the years, older people continue to express frustration about their portrayal by media and in popular culture.
Office for Ageing Well is committed to tackling ageism as part of its work to safeguard the rights of older South Australians, create age friendly communities where people remain active and engaged as they age, and respect diversity.