Borderline Personality Disorder community

South Australia’s BPD community is made up of consumers, carers and clinicians. They have worked together over time to raise the profile of BPD and to highlight the need for a specialised BPD service in SA, which has culminated in the development of the state-wide BPD Co. This BPD community continues to grow and develop, both locally and nationally.

The state-wide BPD Co service has been co-designed with, and will continue to collaborate with the BPD community. There will be ongoing consultation also with multiple stakeholders. These stakeholders include other government and non-government agencies, as well as private practitioners including general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists and allied health practitioners. It is important that the views, experiences and perspectives of all members of the BPD community be included in the development of BPD Co, both now and into the future.

The BPD community in SA also develops and maintains links with interstate specialised personality disorder services including Project Air Strategy, Spectrum and HYPE. It is intended that this collaboration will contribute to the development of a national Australian BPD/ personality disorder initiative and network into the future. This national BPD initiative will be further enhanced and supported by the Australian BPD Foundation and its state branches.

It is also intended that linkages and partnerships will be developed over time between BPD Co, the Australian national BPD community and international academic personality disorder researchers and services.