Plans and reports FUNLHN

Strategic Plan 2021-2026

The Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network (FUNLHN) Strategic Plan outlines our clear vision and purpose along with our values to promote our intentions over the next five years.

The Strategic Plan (PDF 5MB) is a key document to guide the FUNLHN Board in its goal to provide excellence in health care for everyone, every day, all the time.

Clinical Engagement Strategy 2023-2026

The Flinders and Upper North LHN Clinical Engagement Strategy 2023-2026 (PDF 13MB) supports clinicians to have a voice in the planning, implementation, delivery, and review of services and strategy in FUNLHN.  An effective Clinical Engagement Strategy is an integral component towards our vision: Excellence in health care for everyone, every day, all the time.  

Consumer and Community Engagement Strategic Framework 2023-2026

The Flinders and Upper North LHN Consumer and Community Engagement Strategic Framework (CCESF) 2023-2026 (PDF 5.1MB) outlines our ongoing commitment to engage with our consumers and communities and strengthen the delivery of health services provided across the Flinders and Upper North region.

FUNLHN CCESF is a key document in the FUNLHN Board's commitment to working with consumers, staff and key partners, and sets out the process for achieving FUNLHN’s aim.

A Summary of the FUNLHN Consumer and Community Engagement Strategic Framework (PDF 675KB) is also available.

Roxby Downs Health Service Plan

The Roxby Downs Health Service Plan is a five-year detailed blueprint of how we will align and grow our services to meet the changing community needs, while making the most effective use of available and future resources. For more information, visit the Roxby Downs Health Service Plan page
