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Eyre and Far North LHN - Governing Board Expenses July-August 2021
The Eyre and Far North Local Health Network (EFNLHN) covers the areas including the Eyre Peninsula and Far North Outback South Australia, extending north to the Northern Territory border, and west to the Western Australia border.
The EFN region includes the townships of Ceduna, Cleve, Coober Pedy, Cowell, Cummins, Elliston, Kimba, Port Lincoln, Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay, Wudinna, Oodnadatta, Lock, and Amata on the APY Lands.
The governing board is responsible and accountable to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing for local decision-making.
The role of the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network governing board includes setting strategies and priorities for health services in the region, while ensuring the EFNLHN achieves the performance indicators in its Service Agreement.
Board Members from left to right
Top row standing: Trevor Smith (Independent Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee), Leanne Duncheu, Peter Auhl, Jamie Siviour
Bottom row sitting: Chris Sweet, Michele Smith (Chair), Christine Thyer
Board members Dr David Mills and Jackie Ah Kit are absent from the photo
Michele Smith is a professional Board Member, sits on a number of Boards and runs a consultancy. Previously, she was Chief Executive Officer of the North Eastern Community Hospital and spent 11 years as the Regional Director, Eyre and Far North Region, with SA Health.
Leanne Dunchue is a self-employed public accountant residing in Streaky Bay. Leanne brings significant financial expertise and local community knowledge to the governing board.
Dr David Mills is a General Practitioner and worked previously as Associate Professor and Director of the Adelaide Rural Clinical School at the University of Adelaide.
He worked as a GP on the Eyre Peninsual for more than 30 years.
Jamie Siviour has been a strong supporter of Country Health SA and rural health within the Eyre region through his involvement with the Port Lincoln Hospital Inc Board, the Port Lincoln Health Advisory Council and the Lock Health Centre Advisory Committee.
Chris Sweet is a lawyer and partner at Finlaysons, specialising in health and aged care, with a long professional association with the Eyre Peninsula.
Christine (Chris), a proud Ngarrindjeri woman, is General Manager of the SA Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Council, and previously worked at the Women’s and Children’s Health Network Centre for Education and Training, including on the development and implementation of staff cultural competencies training.
Peter is Chief Information and Digital Officer (CIDO) with Deakin University in Victoria, and lives in Geelong.
He was previously Chief Information Officer at the City of Adelaide, and Director/CIO at the SA Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure.
Peter has strong family connections on the Eyre Peninsula.
Jacqueline (Jackie) Ah Kit is a proud descendant of a Warramunga woman and a Waayni man.
From 2000-2006, she was Chief Executive Officer of the Port Lincoln Health Service. Since then she has held executive positions with SA Health and the Northern Territory Department of Health.
She has worked at the Women’s and Children’s Health Network since 2012 and is currently A/Executive Director, Aboriginal Health.
The EFNLHN Governing Board has met bi-monthly since May 2022, which means that Agendas and Minutes will be available bi-monthly from then.
The Eyre and Far North LHN Governing Board has held three Annual Public Meetings: