SA Health governance reforms

SA Health is the name for the range of state government health services and agencies responsible for the oversight and delivery of public hospitals and healthcare in South Australia.

It is a broad term comprising the Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW), four Metropolitan Local Health Networks, six Regional Local Health Networks, SA Ambulance Service (SAAS), as well as the attached offices of Preventive Health SA, and the Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health (CEIH).

Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW)

DHW performs the role of system leader for SA Health, which includes:

  • Providing strategic direction for the provision of public health services across South Australia, including the development of system-wide polices and directives to guide the system.
  • Monitoring the safety, quality and performance of the health system and supporting improvements.
  • Delivering statewide public health services and emergency management coordination.
  • Leading SA Health’s work with other government departments and the Commonwealth on national initiatives.
  • Assisting the Minister for Health and Wellbeing and the South Australian government in the development and implementation of planning for the health system statewide.

Local Health Networks (LHNs)

There are 10 LHNs across metropolitan and regional South Australia, divided based on geography and population. Each LHN is overseen by its own governing board and is responsible for the delivery and management of local hospital and community public health services.

See the LHN governance page for more information. 

SA Ambulance Service (SAAS)

SAAS is the principal provider of ambulance services across SA. SAAS provides:

  • Triple zero (000) call receipt and patient triage.
  • Pre-hospital emergency and urgent care, treatment and/or transport.
  • Non-emergency patient care and transport.
  • Emergency and major event management
  • Rescue and emergency medical retrieval services.

Attached offices

SA Heath has two administrative units attached to the Department for Health and Wellbeing. These units support the planning, delivery, and performance of the whole system with a state-wide focus.

Preventive Health SA

Preventive Health SA focuses on priority areas of prevention work, including tobacco and vaping control, alcohol and other drugs, obesity and suicide prevention, to support the health and wellbeing of all South Australians.

Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health (CEIH)

CEIH focuses on maximising health outcomes for patients, improving care and safety, championing evidence-based practice and clinical innovation, and supporting collaboration across the health system.


Organisational structure

The SA Health organisational structure outlines the relationship between each of the SA Health entities, the Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW) Chief Executive and the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.

Department Executive Committee

The Department Executive Committee is a high-level decision-making and leadership group within the Department for Health and Wellbeing to provide a mechanism to address key priority reforms and other high priority issues which require a collaborative cross-departmental response.

DHW committees

DHW is also supported by several other committees to assist it in carrying out its functions and responsibilities.

Governing boards

Each LHN has a governing board responsible for the overall governance and oversight of local service delivery by the LHNs, including performance and budget, clinical governance, safety and quality, and risk management. Governing Boards may be supported by board committees to assist them in carrying out these functions. The Governing Board also appoints the LHN CEO.

Governing Boards are required to comply with directions issued by the Minister or DHW Chief Executive and implement any policies of the Department specified by the Minister or DHW Chief Executive.

Governing Boards report to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.

Governing Board Charter

All LHN Governing Boards are required to adhere to the Governing Board Charter, which consists of two volumes:

  • Volume 1: endorsed by the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, setting out the governance arrangements, functions, roles and responsibilities of the Governing Boards, including as established by legislation. Volume 1 also sets out information about requirements for Board members, and expectations for evaluations of Board effectiveness.
  • Volume 2: developed by each LHN Governing Board to outline Board governance mechanisms, policies, procedures and processes of the Board.

The Health Chief Executives’ Council (HCEC)

HCEC is a leadership team consisting of Local Health Networks and statewide services in collaboration with the Department for Health and Wellbeing, Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executives. The Council provides strategic advice regarding health system wide topics. It is solution focused.

Service Agreements

Service Agreements formally set out the performance expectations and funding arrangements between DHW and the LHNs and SAAS.

Service Agreements aim to outline:

  • The strategic priorities and Government commitments for the DHW and LHN, including the responsibilities of each party.
  • The key services and obligations the LHN is required to deliver including particulars of the volume, scope and standard of services.
  • The performance indicators, associated reporting arrangements and monitoring methods that apply to both parties.
  • The sources of funding that the Agreement is based on and the manner in which these funds will be provided to the LHN, including the commissioned activities.

Systemwide frameworks

DHW is responsible for developing whole-of-system frameworks to underpin the planning, performance, and commissioning of public health services in South Australia. These frameworks may support those developed at a LHN or SAAS-level. Key frameworks guiding the functions of SA Health are linked below.

Corporate documents

SA Health produces reports, plans, policies and guidelines, and manual and handbooks to support and report on the delivery of health services across South Australia. Published documents are available for review and download on the SA Health website publications page.