Continuous Improvement is an activity aimed at monitoring and/or improving the quality of service delivered by an individual or an organisation. A Continuous Improvement activity may also involve collection and analysis of information such as retrospective audit or process mapping.

If the project is being conducted to contribute towards a degree in higher education or if any part is external to SALHN, an ethics application is required.

If the activity is assessed as being a continuous improvement activity, upon submission of your completed form, you will be granted an exemption of ethical review from Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee.

Please complete and submit the Project Evaluation Form or Case Report Application Form to the SALHN Research Hub for consideration:

A clinical case report is a report on an individual patient that describes an unusual, rare, or novel event. They can also contribute to medical knowledge, provide opportunities for education and a positive change in clinical practice.

Case reports should only be conducted by the patient’s clinicians/clinical care team and are not appropriate as a student project. Patient (or guardian) written, informed consent should be obtained to use their information and any images for this case report.
